Directions to Saco Office

Directions to 35 Storer Street, Saco, ME 04072:

Storer Street connects Main St./Rt. 9 and Elm St./Rt. 1.
It is the second street up from the Saco River, past Water Street.

From Main Street southbound, turn right across from the post office; from Elm Street southbound, turn left at a Mexican restaurant.

Taking Elm Street is usually faster, as Main Street can get very busy with traffic.

My office is in a white Victorian building diagonally across from the Saco Police Station – coming from Elm St., it is on the left before the police station; coming from Main St., it is on the right and past the police station.

The driveway is to the right of the building. Park in the back and enter under the covered walkway. There is designated handicapped parking right by the entrance. In the rare case that the parking lot is full, there is 2-hr. parking by the police station.

From the Maine Turnpike, take exit 36, Saco / OOB to I-195.
Take the first exit, exit 1 / Industrial Park Rd. Take the left fork.
Go into the left turn lane and take another left on North St. / Rt. 112 toward Saco downtown.
Turn right at Scamman Street which will merge with Elm Street.
Turn left into Storer Street, following signs to the Saco police station.
#35 is on the left.